Opera 3 Personal Data Search Utility
From the 25th May GDPR will be replacing The Data Protection Act 1998. GDPR stipulates that you need a procedure in place for dealing with requests for personal data, deleting data and recording consent to contact customers, suppliers or employees.
In response to this Pegasus Software has released a new utility called Personal Data Search to help with Subject Access Requests (SARs). The Personal Data Search is a simple to use and extremely effective tool for identifying personal data in Opera 3 and presenting it in the required format, a process which would take a considerable amount of time. It will be invaluable when you receive Subject access Requests from customers, prospects, suppliers or employees and need to locate the relevant data and provide it in either printed or electronic format. The cost of the utility is £400* (excl VAT) plus £40 (excl VAT) AMC. * Excluding implementation time |