With so many of our Opera 3, Opera 3 SQL SE and Pegasus CIS users moving to XRL as their reporting tool of choice, we are keen to ensure all users are confident in building reports and that the full capabilities of XRL are recognised.
To showcase this award winning, powerful and flexible Excel-based reporting tool, we are planning to schedule mutiple XRL training workshops to help users become more confident, proficient and knowledgeable. Dates: 30th June 2022 or 27th October 2022 or 23th February 2023 Time: 9h30 - 13h00 Venue: At your desk via Microsoft Teams Content: Interactive training workshop with digital workbooks and exercises to take away Pre-requisites: Pegasus XRL installation with connection to your data Cost: £200 (ex VAT) per attendee. 5% discount for 2-3 and 10% discount for 4+ attendees All XRL customers are invited to attend these workshops to benefit from:
To book your attendance you can fill out the online booking form, call Bruce on 01233 812050 (Option 2) or you can send an email with the names of the attendees and a PO number to [email protected]. Comments are closed.
December 2024